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Pair Complete

Starting From version 1.3.0 CodeView now has support for auto pair complete, this feature can help you to implement some features easily such as quote or double quote complete, or closing braces complete.

This features is disabled by default to enable or disable it


To enable or disable move the cursor to the center of the pair after inset it


To use this feature you need to create a Map that contains the pairs keys and values for example

Map<Character, Character> pairCompleteMap = new HashMap<>();
pairCompleteMap.put('{', '}');
pairCompleteMap.put('[', ']');
pairCompleteMap.put('(', ')');
pairCompleteMap.put('<', '>');
pairCompleteMap.put('"', '"');

To add your full pairs map


To add a single pair

codeView.addPairCompleteItem('[', ']');

To remove a single pair


To remove all the pairs
