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Auto Complete

You have many options to provide an auto complete feature with CodeView

Providing a simple auto complete from an array of strings

// Your language keywords
String[] languageKeywords = .....
// List item custom layout 
int layoutId = .....
// TextView id on your custom layout to put suggestion on it
int viewId = .....
// Create ArrayAdapter object that contain all information
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(context, layoutId, viewId, languageKeywords);
// Set the adapter on CodeView object

Providing more advanced auto complete from list of Keyword class

  • This option is better if you want to provide title and prefix for your keywords, also it more easier to use it with snippets feature.
List<Code> codes = new ArrayList<>();
codes.add(new Keyword(..., ..., ...));

// Your language keywords
String[] languageKeywords = .....
// List item custom layout
int layoutId = .....
// TextView id on your custom layout to put suggestion on it
int viewId = .....

CodeViewAdapter codeAdapter = new CodeViewAdapter(context, layoutId, viewId, codes);

In both options you can provide custom layout and custom tokenizer if you need that.


You can limit the number of suggestions result in the auto complete dialog


Set the auto complete list item size in dp to use it to calculate the full dialog size
