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Amun has compile time strong enumeration by default so you can't compare enum element with integer values,

Declare Enum

enum Number {

Declare Enum with Type

Enum element by default has int32 type but you can declare it with any integers types from int8,

enum Number : int8 {

You can also give element a value that match the type for example

enum Number : int8 {
    ONE = 1,
    TWO = 2,

Access Enum element

To access enum element you need to access it using double colon :: for example

var one : Number = Number::ONE;
var two = Number::TWO;

Pass Enum elemnet

To pass enum element as function parameter it must has Enum Name as type and can't pass it as intgers

fun pass_number(number Number) void {

Enum number of fields

Amun has compile time attribute for enums to get the number of fields for example

var c = Number.count;