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An function in GitQL accept one or more value and return value, note that all functions names are case-insensitive.

String functions

Name Parameters Return Description
LOWER Text Text Return Text in lower case.
UPPER Text Text Return Text in upper case.
REVERSE Text Text Return a reversed string.
TRIM Text Text Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.
LTRIM Text Text Removes leading spaces from a string.
RTRIM Text Text Removes trailing spaces from a string.
LEN Text Integer Return the length of this string.
REPLICATE Text, Integer Text Return repeated a string a specified number of times.
SPACE Integer Text Returns a string of the specified number of space characters.
ASCII Text Integer Returns the ASCII value for the specific character.
LEFT Text, Integer Text Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from left).
DATALENGTH Text Integer Returns the number of bytes used to represent an expression.
CHAR Integer Text Returns the character based on the ASCII code.
CHARINDEX Text, Text Integer Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a string in another string.
NCHAR Integer Text Returns the character based on the ASCII code.
REPLACE Text, Text, Text Text Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, with a new substring.
SUBSTRING Text, Integer, Integer Text Extracts some characters from a string.
STUFF Text, Integer, Integer, Text Text Deletes a part of a string and then inserts another part into the string, starting at a specified position.
RIGHT Text, Integer Text Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from right).
TRANSLATE Text, Text, Text, Text Returns the string from the first argument after the characters specified in the second argument are translated into the characters specified in the third argument.
SOUNDEX Text Text Returns a four-character code to evaluate the similarity of two expressions.
CONCAT Any, Any, ...Any Text Add several string representations of values together together.
CONCAT_WS Text, Any, Any, ...Any Text Add several string representations of values together together with separate.
UNICODE Text Integer Return an integer value (the Unicode value), for the first character of the input expression.
STRCMP Text , Text Integer Return 0 If string1 = string2, -1 if string1 < string2, this function returns -1, and 1 if string1 > string2
QUOTENAME Text , Text Text Returns the string (first argument) with specified delimiters (second argument), defaulting to []

String functions samples

SELECT * FROM commits where LOWER(name) = "amrdeveloper"
SELECT * FROM commits where UPPER(name) = "AMRDEVELOPER"
SELECT * FROM commits where REVERSE(name) = "repolevedrma"
SELECT * FROM commits where TRIM(name) = ""
SELECT * FROM commits where LEN(name) > 0
SELECT * FROM commits where name = SPACE(5)
SELECT name, ASCII(name) AS firstCharAscii FROM commits
SELECT LEFT("AmrDeveloper", 3) AS extract
SELECT DATALENGTH("AmrDeveloper") as bytelength
SELECT CHAR(345) AS code
SELECT CHARINDEX("DEV", "AmrDeveloper") AS position
SELECT REPLACE("ABC ABC ABC", "a", "c") as replacedText
SELECT name, SUBSTRING(name, 1, 5) AS extract FROM commits
SELECT STUFF("GQL tutorial!", 13, 1, " is fun!")
SELECT RIGHT("AmrDeveloper", 3) AS extract
SELECT TRANSLATE("Amr[Dev]{eloper}", "[]{}", "()()")
SELECT SOUNDEX("AmrDeveloper") as code
SELECT CONCAT("amrdeveloper", "")
SELECT CONCAT_WS("_", "Git", "Query", "Language"); 
SELECT UNICODE("AmrDeveloper")
SELECT QUOTENAME("AmrDeveloper", ".")
SELECT QUOTENAME("AmrDeveloper", "{}")

Date functions

Name Parameters Return Description
Date DateTime Date Extracts the date part from a datetime expression.
CURRENT_TIME Time Return current time in HH:MM:SS format.
CURRENT_DATE Date Return current date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DateTime Return current date time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
MAKEDATE Integer, Integer Date Create and return a date based on a year and a number of days.
MAKETIME Integer, Integer, Integer Time Create and return a time value based on an hour, minute, and second value.
NOW DateTime Return current date time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
Day Date Integer Returns the index of the day (1 to 31) in the date.
DAYNAME Date Text Returns the name of the day given a timestamp.
MONTHNAME Date Text Returns the name of the month given a timestamp.
HOUR DateTime Integer Returns the hour part of a datetime.
MINUTE DateTime Integer Returns the minute part of a datetime.
ISDATE Any Boolean Return TRUE if the argument type is Date.
DAYOFWEEK Date Integer Returns the day of the week for a given date (a number from 1 to 7)
DAYOFMONTH Date Integer Returns the day of the month for a given date (a number from 1 to 31)
DAYOFYEAR Date Integer Returns the day of the year for a given date (a number from 1 to 366)
WEEKOFYEAR Date Integer Returns the week number for a given date (a number from 1 to 53).
QUARTER Date Integer Returns the quarter of the year for a given date value (a number from 1 to 4)
YEAR Date Integer Returns the year part of the date
MONTH Date Integer Returns the month part of the date (a number from 1 to 12)
WEEKDAY Date Integer Returns the weekday number of the date (from 0 monday to 6 sunday)
TO_DAYS Date Integer Returns the number of days between a date and date "0000-00-00"
LAST_DAY Date Date Returns the last day of the month for a given date
YEARWEEK Date Text Returns the year and week number (a number from 0 to 53) for a given date

Date functions samples


Numeric Functions

Name Parameters Return Description
PI Float Return the value of PI.
FLOOR Float Integer Returns the largest integer value that is smaller than or equal to a number.
ROUND Float, Integer? Float Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
SQUARE Integer Integer Returns the square of an integer value.
ABS Number Number Returns the absolute value of an integer value.
SIN Float Float Returns the sine of a number.
ASIN Float Float Returns the arc sine of a number.
COS FLOAT FLOAT Returns the cosine of a number.
ACOS FLOAT FLOAT Returns the arc cosine of a number.
TAN FLOAT FLOAT Returns the tangent of a number.
ATAN FLOAT FLOAT Returns the arc tangent of a number.
ATN2 FLOAT, FLOAT FLOAT Returns the arc tangent of two values.
SIGN Number Integer Returns the sign of a number.
MOD Integer, Integer Integer Returns the remainder of a number divided by another number.
RAND Float? Float Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

Numeric functions samples

SELECT ROUND(1.5), ROUND(135.375, 2), ROUND(345.156, 0)
SELECT ATN2(0.50, 1.0)
SELECT RAND() * (10-5) + 5; 

General functions

Name Parameters Return Description
ISNULL ANY Boolean Return TRUE if the argument type is null.
ISNUMERIC ANY Boolean Return TRUE if the argument type is number.
TYPEOF ANY Text Return the argument type name.
GREATEST ANY, Any, ...Any Any Return the greatest value from list of values
LEAST ANY, Any, ...Any Any Return the smallest value from list of values

General functions samples

SELECT LEAST(1, 2, 3, 4)

Regex functions

Name Parameters Return Description
REGEXP_INSTR Text, Text Integer Return starting index of substring matching regular expression.
REGEXP_LIKE Text, Text Bool Returns true if the string expr matches the regular expression specified by the pattern.
REGEXP_REPLACE Text, Text, Text Text Returns the input after replacing pattern with new content.
REGEXP_SUBSTR Text, Text Text Returns substring matching regular expression .

Regex functions samples

SELECT REGEXP_INSTR("dog cat dog", "dog");
SELECT REGEXP_LIKE("a", "^[a-d]");
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE("a b c", "b", "X");
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR("abc def ghi", "[a-z]+");