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Select Statement

The SELECT statement is used to query data from a single table

For example to select all fields from commits table.

SELECT * FROM commits

Or Selecting just title and message

SELECT title message FROM commits

You can use Aggregation function in the select statement to perform function on all data until the current one

SELECT count(author_name) FROM commits

You can alias the column name only in this query by using AS keyword for example

SELECT title as commit_title FROM commits
SELECT title as "Commit Title" FROM commits
SELECT name, commit_count, max(commit_count) AS max_count message FROM branches

Distinct option

You can select unique rows only using the distinct keyword for example,

SELECT DISTINCT title AS tt FROM commits

Distinct On option

You can select rows with unique fields using the distinct on keyword with one or more field for example,

SELECT DISTINCT ON (author_name) title AS tt FROM commits


You can perform one or more JOIN to join two tables together, you can use one of four different join types, which are Inner, Cross, Left and Right outer JOINS and also filter by on predicate condition.

SELECT COUNT() FROM tags JOIN branches
SELECT COUNT() FROM tags LEFT JOIN branches ON commit_count > 1
SELECT COUNT() FROM tags RIGHT JOIN branches ON commit_count > 1

Select ... INTO

You can export the query result into external file using the syntax INTO OUTFILE <File> <options>

SELECT name FROM branches INTO OUTFILE "branches.txt"

You can format the output result with options for example


If you want to just dump the data without any format you can use INTO DUMPFILE

SELECT * FROM branches INTO DUMPFILE "braches.txt"