Call expression
1. Standard Function Calls
Standard functions call operate on individual rows and return a single value per row, with syntax similar to most programming languages for example
2. Aggregate Function Calls
Aggregate functions call has the same syntax like standard function call but it's operate on a set of rows (a group) and return a single value for the entire group. They are often used with the GROUP BY
clause, the value of aggregation function can be used only after group by statement.
SELECT author_name, COUNT(author_name) AS commit_num FROM commits GROUP BY author_name, author_email ORDER BY commit_num DESC LIMIT 10
3. Window functions
Window functions perform calculations across a set of rows that are related to the current row. Unlike aggregate functions with GROUP BY, window functions do not collapse rows into a single output row. Instead, they return a value for each input row based on a "window" of related rows,
in window function call you must to explicit define OVER
clauses even if it empty, also you can use aggregation function as window function.
SELECT emp_name, dep_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY dep_name) AS row_number FROM emp_salaries
SELECT emp_name,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER partition_dep_order_salary_des AS row_number_per_department,
MIN(salary) OVER partition_dep_order_salary_des AS min_salary_per_department,
MAX(salary) OVER partition_dep_order_salary_des AS max_salary_per_department
FROM emp_salaries
WINDOW partition_dep_order_salary_des AS (PARTITION BY dep_name ORDER BY salary DESC)