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Amun has structures type similer to C and Go


struct Point {
    x int64;
    y int64;

Packed Struct Declaration

To declare struct with no padding between fields you need to use #packed directive

// 1 (with 3 padding) + 4 + 1 (with 3 padding) = 12 bytes
struct UnPackedStruct {
    a int8;
    b int32;
    c int8;

// 1 + 4 + 1 = 6 bytes
@packed struct PackedStruct {
    a int8;
    b int32;
    c int8;


No need for typedef similer to C to declare variable without keyword struct, just initialize it

var point : Point;


You can initialize structure and assign values for all fields using initialize expression for example

struct Vector3 {
    x int64;
    y int64;
    z int64;

var vector3 = Vector3(1, 2, 3);


Current Amun design has not destructor, but for destructors you can easily depend on defer feature to got the same feature for example

var point : *Point = create_poinnt();
defer delete_point(point);

Access fields

To access field from struct that initialized on the stack or the heap in both you will use dot . to access it

var x = point.x

Modify field value

To modify struct field value you can also use dot . to update it

point.x = 10;